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Absurd Expedition 2023 -
The Chang Tang – is known as the most inaccessible and non-explored place on earth. It is one of three uninhabited places on the world, amongst Goualogo Triangle in
the Republic of Kongo and the northeast part of Alaska, also known as Arctic Ocean. It is
caused by the geographic isolation, which makes those regions rough and unreachable.
Most animals leaving there are not afraid of human beings. The climate is really coarse
there – during the warmest months temperature gets below minus 30 degrees at night.
Absurd Expedition 2023 -
Pedal Revolution
An average height of the land, which is around five thousands meters above sea level, can cause a danger of serious sun burns. One has to be very careful to not expose mouths or other sun sensitive parts of body. In such a rough condition of frosty and dry air there can ruptures occur of a skin around fingers of hands and feet, which then turn to small wands expanding with time. In the final stage they can make it impossible to walk or to hold anything in hands. All cuts and wounds heal till 10 times slower then in normal conditions.
There were lots of travelers who dreamed of crossing these wild regions and of reaching the forbidden city of Lhasa in the central Tibet. Przewalski, Littledale, Hedin and others have tried, but all those expeditions ended with failure. All of them were defeated by the huge size of the plateau, the serve climate and lack of possibilities of finding food.